Loosening up the Wheel could open up a strategy of how hard you want to spin the wheel instead of spinning the hardest you could because it’s too heavy to control.
This was kind of glaring on the grandparent episode this season where there were BANKRUPTs galore. Loosen up the Wheel itself: Granted, the wheel was loosened for Celebrity Wheel and stayed that way afterwards, but the average spin still is less than a full rotation (meaning that a penalty spin is really predictable) given the show’s women to men ratio since S18. I’m also tagging Maggie Sajak if in case she wants to take note. Here’s some of my personal suggestions on how the show could improve so that it feels true to the name of the game (I’ll say that a certain mode from Wii Party feels more “Wheel of Fortune” than this show now). Almost every episode of the show nowadays is a slog and painfully predictable.
As an avid fan of America’s most popular game show, I can’t help but feel that the show’s in the middle of an awkward phase, no thanks to the unceremonious firing of Mike Richards.